Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Azure Sentinel: Empowering Cybersecurity

Introduction: Azure Sentinel and SIEM Organizations have become increasingly concerned about the security of sensitive data and digital assets in an increasingly digital world. As cyber threats become more complex, Microsoft launched Azure Sentinel, a cloud-based SIEM solution. We will take a deep dive into Azure Sentinel and SIEM’s transformative Continue Reading

Azure DevSecOps Principles and Best Practices for Security in the Cloud

Introduction: Azure DevSecOps Principles Organizations are utilizing the power of the cloud to foster creativity and agility in today’s fast changing digital landscape. But as the pace of digital transformation quickens, so does the demand for effective security measures. DevSecOps steps in at this point. Development, operations, and security are Continue Reading

Introduction to Azure Security Architect Role & Responsibilities

Introduction: In order to ensure the secure design, implementation, and management of Azure-based solutions, the position of an Azure Security Architect is crucial. Protecting a company’s cloud infrastructure, apps, and data from potential attacks and vulnerabilities is a key responsibility of Azure Security Architects. Azure Security Architect’s duties often consist Continue Reading

Using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), containers are secured

Introduction: Azure Kubernetes Service The way applications are designed, deployed, and managed has been completely transformed by containerization. Microsoft Azure’s Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed Kubernetes container orchestration platform. With a variety of security capabilities to guard your container workloads, it enables you to create, manage, and grow Continue Reading